Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention

General Information

The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office is committed to helping our citizens keep themselves, their families and their communities safe from crime, the fear of crime and neighborhood decay.  Working collaboratively with other local law enforcement officials, we help establish networking systems, provide educational materials, programs, training and safety tutorials to promote pro-active crime prevention in our community.

Through an active Community Oriented Policing philosophy, we believe that individual citizens should be empowered to work with law enforcement to help keep themselves safe.  A number of programs we offer will provide tools that you can use to learn crime prevention strategies, engage other community members, coordinate with local law enforcement to aid in crime prevention, and to build and strength relationships.

All programs and trainings offered through the Crime Prevention Unit are always free of charge. Community Relations Event Information & Scheduling Request Form

Crime Prevention Video Gallery

Crime Prevention Programs

Neighborhood Watch Program

A Neighborhood Watch system is easy to establish, simply by getting to know your neighbors on either side of your home, and directly across the street. In a Neighborhood-Watch community, neighbors keep watch on each others’ homes and report any suspicious activity.  As one of the most successful community/law enforcement partnerships in the USA, this program aids law enforcement by creating a closer sense of community among citizens. Neighbors who know each other become eyes and ears for each other and develop an awareness of unusual circumstances and suspicious behaviors.

For more information visit the Neighborhood Watch page or download this brochure which explains the Neighborhood Watch Program in more detail.

For those interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch group see our handbook and for those interested in starting a Business Watch group see that handbook for more infromation. In each handbook the last page can be hung in your window to show your involvement.

National Night Out Program

Each year on the first Tuesday in August, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office participates in the National Night Out Program. Sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch, this nation-wide crime prevention event invites citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, businesses, and local officials in all 50 states for an evening of cookouts and block parties in support of local anticrime programs.  This event reminds us of the by-gone days where folks left their doors unlocked and were not afraid to let their children run and play in the neighborhoods.  By promoting this event, we hope to encourage neighbors to meet one another, strengthen neighborhood spirit, reinforce community/law enforcement partnerships, and send the message to criminals that these involved neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community and provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

Celebrate Safe Communities

Celebrate the month of October as Crime Prevention Month in communities making a difference. Celebrate Safe Communities (CSC) is crime prevention done the right way – local people working with local law enforcement to address local issues. CSC spotlights communities’ crime prevention efforts, enhances public awareness of vital crime prevention and safety messages, and recruits year-round support for ongoing prevention activities that help people keep neighborhoods safe from crime and prepared for any emergency. Start by connecting with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office!


Helpful Crime Prevention Information

Identity Theft Information

The Federal Trade Commission provides up-to-date information and publications regarding Identity Theft: what it is, what to do if you think you might be an identity theft victim, and ways to protect your identity to avoid becoming a victim. Tips For Preventing Identity Theft

For more information, go to the FTC website at

Operation Identification

The Operation ID program allows law enforcement to detect, identify, and return stolen or lost property to its rightful owner.  Simply mark valuable property with an identification number using an engraver, a carbide-tipped pen, or indelible marker.

You can use your Driver’s License Number, including the two-letter state code, or a number you create if you prefer. NEVER USE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FOR THIS PURPOSE. Marking your valuables in this way makes your property easy to identify, more difficult for a thief to sell or pawn, and easier for law enforcement to return to you if recovered after being lost or stolen. Items too small to be marked should be photographed or videotaped and kept in a safe place on a CD, flash card, or memory sticks. 

For more information visit the Operation Identification web page at: or download the Operation Identification Flyer

Home & Business Security Survey

Download the Home Security Resource for a survey that outlines ways to prevent theft and home intrusion by “target-hardening” your residence. Take the survey and see what you can do to better protect yourself and your family.

Download the Business Security Resource for a check list that will help you determin how secure your business is.

For a FREE home or business security assessment contact our crime prevention coordinator at 719-520-7151.

Quick Reference Phone List

Download the "Quick Reference Phone List" resource and keep it by your home telephone for ease in reaching various community agencies.  Take the time to enter the list into your cell phone to be prepared for emergencies.

Below is a list of weblinks to other agencies that provide valuable crime prevention information:

  • National Crime Prevention Council — This is the home of McGruff the Crime Dog with his trademarked saying: “Take a Bite Out of Crime.” This website is full of good ideas and ways that families can participate in crime prevention activities.
  • Department of Homeland Security — Created shortly after the terrorist attack on 9-11, in addition to having counterterrorism information, this site offers preparedness, response, and recovery information and publications.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency — Although this agency provides support for victims of natural disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquakes, etc., it has information concerning preventative measures and ideas that should be part of any family’s emergency plan.
  • National Neighborhood Watch Program — This is the website for National Neighborhood Watch, working in conjunction with the National Sheriff’s Association. This site provides information and publications about Neighborhood Watch as well as a history of the program’s origins. 

Pet Safety 

Our pets are multi-talented wonders. For example, a cat’s purr and soft fur can instantly reduce your stress and anxiety. Similarly, you get exercise and socialization with other folks when walking your dogs.  Pets give us so much love, and we love them right back. It’s our job to keep them safe and secure at home. Of course, some pets are intrepid, daring or outrageous. Cuddle bunnies at night, they may be escape artists during the day when you leave them home alone. No worries! You can still keep them safe and happy, especially with the help of technology. -


Contact Information
Giovanni Pisapia
(719) 520-7151

Crime Prevention Resources

For information on Important Phone Numbers, Important Websites, Community Education Classes please see this resource list. 

Click here to download.

Office of the Sheriff

27 East Vermijo Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
United States

719-520-7100 / 719-390-5555 (after hours)

El Paso County Jail

2739 East Las Vegas Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
United States
